Zahier Adams
2 min readApr 19, 2023

How to plot your first book

Plotting a book can be a challenging process, but there are several steps you can take to make it easier:

  1. Start with an idea: Begin the plotting process by coming up with a central idea or concept for your book. This could be a character, a setting, a conflict, or a theme.
  2. Create characters: Develop characters that will drive the story forward. Think about their personalities, motivations, and how they will interact with one another.
  3. Outline the story: Create an outline of the major events that will happen in your book. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that the story flows logically.
  4. Divide the story into acts: Divide your story into acts, which are typically three parts. Act One introduces the characters and the conflict, Act Two develops the conflict and raises the stakes, and Act Three provides the resolution.
  5. Add subplots: Think about adding subplots to your main story. Subplots can add depth to the story and provide additional opportunities for character development.
  6. Write the first draft: Once you have your outline, start writing your first draft. Don’t worry too much about getting it perfect the first time — just get the story down on paper.
  7. Revise and edit: Once you have a complete draft, revise and edit your work. Look for areas where the story could be improved, and make sure the pacing is right.
  8. Get feedback: Share your work with other writers or beta readers to get feedback. Take their comments into consideration and make changes as necessary.
  9. Finalize the plot: Once you have revised and edited your work, finalize the plot. Make sure it is cohesive, logical, and engaging.
  10. Repeat: Remember that writing is a process, and you may need to repeat some of these steps as you continue to refine your book.
Zahier Adams

Author, Novelist, creative writer, content viewer, proof reading,