The Renaissance Review: Now Seeking Submissions

📘Zahier Adams
4 min readMar 23, 2023

The Renaissance Review is an online journal that aims to merge literature with other disciplines like science and history. They especially love writing that explores a range of passions, like poems that showcase historical figures or fictional stories that explore scientific ideas: “Renaissance artists were not only writers, painters, performers, and musicians, but also inventors, philosophers, scientists, and scholars who delved deep into any subject that captivated them. We hope to capture the same spirit in our work.”

So far, The Renaissance Review has published two issues, themed “Revival” and “Rebirth.” Each issue features writing from around 10 to 15 contributors. The Renaissance review aims to publish a diverse range of voices, both emerging and established.

Now through March 31, The Renaissance Review is seeking submissions for their third issue, themed “Reincarnation.” Submissions do not have to respond to this theme. Poets may submit up to five poems, 80 lines or fewer each. Authors of fiction, nonfiction, and experimental writing may submit up to two pieces, 5,000 words or fewer each.

The Renaissance Review asks that authors include content warnings when necessary. There are minors on the editorial team, so no explicit content is allowed. The Renaissance Review reads submissions blind, so submitting authors should take care to remove any identifying information from the writing.

The Renaissance Review accepts submissions online, not via email or by post. They accept simultaneous submissions but ask that authors withdraw work published elsewhere. Though they prefer unpublished writing, they do accept previously published work.

The Renaissance Review only accepts submissions that follow the guidelines they’ve posted online. Please read these guidelines in full before submitting.

If you would like to learn more or submit to The Renaissance Review, please visit their website

submission guidelines

submissions for issue iii – reincarnation are now open!

-Accepted files: .docx, .doc, .png, .jpg (We would prefer .docx. or .doc if possible, since it’s easier for us to transfer the formatting of your piece accurately! Please only submit PDFs if the file type is essential to the format of your piece. We ask that you not not attach as an image what can be attached as a .docx or .doc, as .png and .jpg are meant for visual poetry.)

A description of pieces is not required, though we would be pleased if submitters include any applicable content warnings with their work.

Submitters are also highly encouraged to cite any inspirations or references for their pieces.

Though this should go without saying, works containing or promoting any sort of bigotry or discrimination will result in your submission being returned unread and your address blocked.

Please don’t submit explicit sexual content (mentions and allusions are okay) – we have minors on our team who read and review your pieces. Rule of thumb, keep it PG-13.

We would love it if you included any content warnings (if applicable) in your submission document or in the “short description” section in the submission form!

We have a blind submissions policy. Please do not include your name on the documents that you submit.

We ask that you submit each piece in a different file (ex. if submitting 3 poems, please submit one file for each poem). Please make sure that you name each file with the name of the piece.

We accept the following genres in any form and style:


max 5 pieces per submission

max 80 lines per piece


max 2 pieces per submission

max 5,000 words per piece


max 2 pieces per submission

max 5,000 words per piece


max 10 pieces per submission

Experimental (anything that doesn’t fall within the above categories)

max 2 pieces per submission

max 5,000 words per piece (if applicable)

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please inform us if any of your submissions are accepted elsewhere – we want to celebrate with you!

Though original work is preferred, previously published pieces are allowed, as long as this is mentioned in the Google Form (including the place of previous publication).

Submissions do not have to be related to a theme of “reincarnation”, but feel free to write from this theme if it inspires you!

We kindly ask that contributors cite Renaissance Review as the place of first/previous publication should their pieces appear elsewhere.

Renaissance Review: ISSUE III – REINCARNATION Submissions

We’re excited to read your work! Please keep in mind the following general guidelines before you submit:

→ We have a blind submissions policy. Please do not include your name on the documents that you submit.

→ We do not accept plagiarized work of any kind. If your piece is inspired by or references other works, please. note that in the description.

→ We do not accept any work that promotes hate speech or discrimination, including but not limited to racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc.

→ Please keep work PG-13! Brief mentions of and allusions to sex/sexuality are okay, but be aware that we have minors reading and reviewing your works.

→ Simultaneous submissions and previously published pieces are welcome, but please note where your piece has been previously published if so.

→ Upon acceptance, RenRev receives electronic first serial rights. All rights revert back to the contributor upon publication. We ask that you credit RenRev in future reprints.

→ Submissions do not have to be related to the issue theme of “reincarnation”, but we gladly welcome any that are!

→The piece description is optional, but we highly encourage using it to cite inspirations, references, content warnings, and/or any additional notes about the piece.

→ We ask that you submit each piece in a different file (ex. if submitting 3 poems, please submit one file for each poem). Please make sure that you name each file with the name of the piece. Similarly, please make sure that you’re entering the correct title of the piece in the form where asked.

→ Submissions are due on March 31, 2023 at 11:59pm EST.



📘Zahier Adams
📘Zahier Adams

Written by 📘Zahier Adams

Owner Of P.U.L.S.E ❤️‍🔥 Editor @Mr Plan B Publication Editor @ Readers Club Acquisions Editor @Webnovel Author of Fiction and Non-Fiction SUBSTACK

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