What are some psychological things that people don’t know about attraction?
What we find and not find attractive is basically biologically wired into us. Even babies gaze longer at more attractive faces.
Most people find symmetry and other hallmarks of good health attractive.
More typical or average features are considered more attractive.
Feminine features (full lips, round cheeks) make women more attractive. And masculine (square jaw, deep set eyes) make men more attractive.
Younger looking faces (clear skin, bright eyes) are perceived as more attractive.
Men especially consider younger and more typical features particularly attractive.
Women place more importance on looking more feminine.
Women care less about men’s physical appearance.
Women who consider themselves physically attractive, are more likely to choose men with strong masculine features.
Women consider men with hairless chests and flat bellies more attractive.
Men like full lips, high forehead, broad face, small chin, small nose, short and narrow jaw, high cheekbones, clear and smooth skin, and wide-set eyes.
Women walking with hip sway and men walking with swagger are perceived much more attractive.