Youtube Sucks

Zahier Adams
5 min readJun 24, 2024

It’s a perplexing situation indeed. YouTube’s strict guidelines create a scenario where even creators with millions of followers can suddenly lose their accounts. This practice not only seems unfair but also raises concerns about the lack of transparency and support for content creators who invest significant time and effort into their channels. It’s crucial for platforms like YouTube to consider the impact of their decisions on individuals’ livelihoods and to ensure fair treatment and due process for all users.

Anyway long story short i emailed youtube and they advised i should do an appeal upon doing an appeal this is the response.

Hello Zahier Adams,

We received an appeal for your channel and it looks like a previous appeal has recently been denied. Please take a look at the email we sent previously for additional details on the rejection.


The YouTube team

I then went onto X and @TeamYoutube and stated my case, and i am told -looks like your channel was suspended for circumvention. if you think this was a mistake, fill out the appeal form (for your original terminated channel & *not* your new channel) here: our policy team will get back to you soon w/ their decision via email-

Cool another appeal, which i do still same feedback

Hi Legendary Writer,

We have reviewed your appeal for the following:

Channel: Legacyza Author of Dark Fiction and kids books

We have reviewed your channel carefully and confirmed that it violates our Community Guidelines. We know that this is probably disappointing news but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all.

How this affects your channel

We won’t be putting your channel back up on YouTube.

Learn about your resolution options.


The YouTube Team

Again no prior warning to me violating guidelines since its just illustration and its my own novels.

I then decided to check for copyright violations.

Email sent.

Dear Team Youtube

I am writing to urgently request the reinstatement of my YouTube channel, Legacyza Author of Dark Fiction and kids books, which was recently [suspended/terminated] on. I believe there has been a misunderstanding or an error, and I would like to provide more context to clarify the situation.

My channel has been an essential platform for me to bring life to my books by illustrating it, and I have always strived to adhere to YouTube’s community guidelines and policies. Here are a few points I would like to highlight:

I take YouTube’s policies very seriously and have always made a conscious effort to ensure all my content complies with the guidelines. If any of my content inadvertently violated any policy, I assure you it was not intentional.

My channel has been a positive space for Readers and Writers inspirating author and story telling, community, fans, learners, etc.

If there were specific issues or content that led to the suspension/termination of my channel, I am more than willing to rectify these immediately. Please provide me with detailed information regarding the violations so I can address and correct them promptly.

Given my commitment to maintaining a positive and compliant channel, I kindly request that you reconsider the suspension/termination. The loss of my channel has significantly impacted me and my audience, and I hope to have the opportunity to continue contributing valuable content to the YouTube community.

I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and respectful environment on YouTube and am fully committed to upholding these standards. Please let me know if there is any further information or action required from my end to facilitate the reinstatement process.

Thank you for taking the time to review my plea. I look forward to your positive response and hope to resolve this matter swiftly.


Zahier adams

Author of Fiction

Email recieved


Your YouTube account has been suspended because we’ve determined that activity in your account violated our Community Guidelines. Your account is not terminated for claims of copyright infringement.

Learn more about account suspensions and how our Community Guidelines are enforced.

If you think that your channel was suspended in error, you may appeal.


The YouTube Team

What a conundrum! YouTube’s stringent guidelines mean even creators with millions of followers can lose their accounts in an instant.

Is it worth maintaining a YouTube account if you have fewer than 100k subscribers and lack legal representation to guide you on what you can and cannot say?

I have to be supercautious .

Given the above i read through tweets and came across this.

Does YouTube understand the consequences of their actions? Who is behind the computer terminating accounts? It appears that bots and automated response systems are responsible, given that feedback often results in an autoreply within minutes. This process lacks fairness and transparency, and appealing these decisions seems pointless. The acts of terminating accounts without proper review and due process are unjust and leave users without recourse.

Youtube this is for you.

I no longer require your services, even though I had only 49 subscribers. As someone who values traditional methods, like using a book and pen, your dominance over the internet does not grant you the authority to disrupt people’s lives without warning. The loss of my channel has shown me the impact of your actions, and I am deeply concerned for those who depended on your platform for their livelihood. These individuals invested significant time and effort into creating content, only to have their work abruptly shut down by your decisions. This raises serious questions about the fairness and transparency of your policies, which seem to disregard the rights and well-being of your users.

TikTok and other major platforms will surpass you. Look at the revenue statistics: TikTok is more effective. Your old-school guidelines restrict transparency. Let’s start with AI and AR integration; you are so far behind that you won’t catch up. The digital world is constantly evolving into greater things, while you’re stuck with your outdated VHD approach. Power and money fade when greed and incompetence take over. As an author, writer, and novelist, i am driven and passionate on what i do your fish amongst the evolution AI.

@Youtube get your staff trained up and let them be taught how to handle client queries.

It’s a perplexing situation indeed. YouTube’s strict guidelines create a scenario where even creators with millions of followers can suddenly lose their accounts. This practice not only seems unfair but also raises concerns about the lack of transparency and support for content creators who invest significant time and effort into their channels. It’s crucial for platforms like YouTube to consider the impact of their decisions on individuals’ livelihoods and to ensure fair treatment and due process for all users.




Zahier Adams

Author, Novelist, creative writer, content viewer, proof reading,